Category Archives: Comic Books

Comic books

Retrospective: Batman: Arkham Asylum review

Time to regurgitate another of my old missives. I assure you that this current trend of mine is only in order to put some of my old material to good use. Normal service will most likely return at the weekend.

I hated reviewing Arkham Asylum. It was with tear-stained eyes that I hurried though the game, barely pausing to take in the game’s magnificence. When I put my hand up for the Games Console reviewing gig , as far as I was concerned Arkham Asylum was just another half-baked attempt to bring the Dark Knight Detective into the realm of the video game. It had been tried before and, as far as I was concerned – as with previous attempts – it was likely to be shite.

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Marvel CGI Spider-man/Iron Man/Hulk shorts

Hulk smash puny Iron Man!

You know when you start aimlessly browsing though YouTube videos? Well I was doing that this evening when I came across these little gems from 2008.

It’s a three-part CGI adventure from Marvel Comics featuring Webhead, Tinman and the Green Goliath vs. some gigantic Cylon robot-things. Love the idea of a superhero calling for assistance on his mobile phone.

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Comic Review: Batman: Arkham City #1

Batman: Arkham City #1

Batman: Arkham Asylum took us all by surprise. I was fortunate to get an early playthrough whilst doing a review for Netguide magazine.

I’d be brave enough to say that Arkham Asylum was the best comic book video game ever produced. The game captured the essence of the Dark Knight to perfection. Portraying Batman as he should be: the worlds greatest detective, rather than simply concentrate on the warped mind of a man who likes to dress up as a bat.

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New Captain America TV spot has chilling revelation

America f**k yeah!!!!

Of all the super-hero movies this (northern hemisphere) summer, the only one that I’m super excited about is Captain America.

Having a young family means that I now choose my movie theatre trips carefully. Thor, X-men: First Class and Green Lantern can all wait until Blu-ray. But not Captain America. In preparation for the movie, I recently took a look at director Joe Johnston’s last period super-hero picture, The Rocketeer. After twenty years, I swear that movie is even better than I remembered it! I’ll be writing more about The Rocketeer in a few days time.

Marvel Studios have been releasing a steady flow of TV spots for Captain America: The First Avenger. Each one effectively the same shots edited differently. TV spot 8 is a little different and offers up a sequence that should get every single fan of the Marvel character just a little excited.

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Spider-man is going to die

Some time in the next year I’m going to catch up on reading my pile of comic-books. One of those comics is going to feature the death of Peter Parker, otherwise known as Spider-man. Issue #160 of Ultimate Spider-man has the web-slinger finally buying the farm at the hands of his nemsis, The Green Goblin.


In 2007 we saw one of Marvel’s other flagship titles wave goodbye to it’s starring character, Captain America. As is the norm in comic-books, as soon as the “death” hype has died down, the “returns” hype builds up. In Captain America’s case he was returned from limbo just in time for the movie.

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